Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Weigh Day

It's weigh day. Damn Mondays! I'm totes not looking forward to this weigh in. Despite reaching my stone last week, I don't think it's going to go as well this week. Mainly because I haven't been exercising because of my stupid foot and because I was out on Saturday night.  And Saturday nights outing was still in full swing at 04.40am. Really really need to invest in a watch for myself so I can keep better track of time. And time spent drinking.

Yesterday was spent in a horror hangover. I was curled up on the couch wishing for sleep / death and water. Oh my god I've never felt so de-hydrated in all my life. Even today I'm still guzzling water to beat the band. Must be the popcorn I ate (not the pints of beer I drank).

Copious amounts were consumed but in fairness, it was all in aid of a great cause and in the memory of a wonderful man. So I won't beat myself up too badly when I hop down of TSC tonight.

This week was a fail in the "12 weeks to Glow" Challenge. Need to up my game.

This weekend is busy a one. My twenties expire in 5 days and 10 hours. So long twenties and hello thirties. I shall be doing a mild bit of celebrating with my twinnie so I imagine dehydration, sore joints and possible nausea will feature on the list of ailments for next weeks weigh day.

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